Subscribing with Paypal is no longer possible due to their ever growing greed... I am looking at other options

  • 1st Year : £10.00  
  • Subsequent Years £2.00

Puchase with Paypal is no longer possible due to their ever growing greed... I am looking at other options

  • £12.00 (no Paypal account required)

If you are desparate to get access use the contact form to get in touch - Contact Me)

This Wiki is "subscription only" for 3 main reasons:

  • First and foremost to keep out spammers and other internet parasites.
  • Secondly, I wouldn't feel comfortable providing unlimited free access to the manual when so many people are currently selling copies of BSA documentation.
  • Finally, a lot of time and effort has gone into creating the first edition, not to mention this web site. It would be nice if my efforts generated a little cash to help get my own BSA back on the road.